“Im not sure what Conveyancing actually is….” 

Don’t worry, you’re certainly not the first to think this, and definitely won’t be the last. To make it easier have a look at some of the services that might be of assistance to you.

“Convey offers $0 upfront so it wont cost you a thing until the keys are in your hands.”

— Matt G


Our aim is to make the entire legal process as seamless as possible for you. We are here to support you every step of the way.

To discuss your matter and obtain a quote call us on 1300 703 433 and speak to our friendly team.

  • We understand that there can be many costs within a property transaction.

    At Convey all our fees are payable at settlement..when we have successfully helped you through the service you required.

  • Ready to sell? That’s where we come in.

    You’ll want the right support when selling your house. Our experienced team of property lawyers can help with all the legal admin that goes into a sale. From contract drafting through to settlement – we make the process as easy as it can be.

  • Buying made easy.

    From contract review through to settlement, we’ve got you covered. Reviewing a contract, transfer title deed, to representing your needs right through to settlement. We’re here to help with all the steps of your property journey.

  • If you’re asked to sign a contract, it’s a good idea to have a lawyer review it.

    An experienced property lawyer can spot clauses that are unfavourable to you, and can also recommend provisions that are usually included in contracts of a similar nature.

    Our contract review process ensures you receive advice and a written report that details any areas we would like to bring to your attention.

    Need it quickly? We can have a contract review bac to you in 24 hours, allowing you time to move forward in your purchasing journey.

  • Buying off the plan can have lots of unknown variables and is important to have a property lawyer behind you who is experienced in these types of purchases.

    We have been dealing with off the plan purchases for decades and can assure you we know the ropes when it comes to making this a successful decision right through to settlement.

  • A Section 17 Certificate is a certificate which waives the Buyer’s right to the Cooling-Off Period. It is signed by a solicitor after they have provided advice to the Buyer on the nature of the certificate.

    These are often provided if purchasing by private treaty or if you have made a successful pre auction offer and wish to exchange so that the auction can be cancelled.

    If you are interested in making a pre auction offer we can assist with reviewing the contract and providing you with a section 17 certificate.

  • Subdivision is the process of creating individual titles for land parcels, units, apartments, shops and commercial and industrial buildings, to enable their separate sale.

    We offer a variety of land and development services and can guide you through the entire subdivision process

  • From contract review through to settlement, we’ve got you covered. Being a first home buyer, tIe process might seem a little daunting hence why it is important to have a legal expert in your corner. We will ensure you have everything checked before entering contracts and walk you through every step of the journey until the keys are in your hands

  • Stamp duty is a tax payable as part of buying property in Australia. It is one of the more expensive costs when purchasing property and differs from state to state.

    Convey can assist with ensuring any concession, exemptions or refunds are obtained when moving through the purchasing process. Chat to our team today about whether you may be eligible.

  • Ensuring you have some good advice and knowledge around transferring property can make a huge difference to the success of such a process. We will ensure the process is made simple and easy for you and all parties involved.

  • Looking to buy or sell a deceased estate property? Let Convey guide you through the process. With our experienced team, we can ensure that all necessary documents are provided, and the sale is handled wit the understanding and diligence it requires.